Why are my teeth discoloured?

Teeth have tiny pores in them that can trap small particles. Your teeth can get discoloured over time due to staining food and drink and habits such as smoking. Tiny particles in these staining products get trapped within the pores of your teeth and cause discolouration or a darker appearance.

How does Tooth Whitening work? Does it damage teeth?

Tooth whitening gels penetrate the pores in teeth and use oxygen to break down the bonds of these staining products. Tooth whitening gels do not damage or affect the tooth structure in any way.

Are there any side effects of Tooth Whitening?

Tooth whitening can cause sensitivity to hot/cold food or drink in a small number of patients, but this is temporary and usually resolves within a few days of finishing treatment. At Brookmans Park Dental, we use optimal lower concentrations of product for shorter periods of time, which has been shown to reduce symptoms but maintain whitening results.

Why does Tooth Whitening cause sensitivity?

Sensitivity occurs because tooth whitening opens up the tiny pores in your teeth. These pores span from the tooth surface to the centre of the tooth where the nerve is. Hot or cold causes water in these pores to expand or contract and this can disturb the nerve of the tooth causing the sensitive sensation.

If you are experiencing any unusual sensitivity after whitening, it is best to make an appointment with your dentist at Brookmans Park Dental to investigate.

Make an appointment today to discuss tooth whitening with a hygienist or dentist at Brookmans Park Dental.

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